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A Break in the Fog

Switzerland from the Switzerland station

This week was ....rough....and then great. It was weird, Sister Jest and I had a pretty rough and depressing week. It was hard to motivate our selves to do things because we just felt like it was useless. The people were especially mean this week.

Last week Sister Jest and I were complaining about how we can never find any women to teach, all we find are creepy men. Then in district meeting the elders were talking about when the best time to go dooring was and they said, "if you go in the middle of the day the only people who are home are women with children." Sister Jest and I looked at each other and said, "that's exactly what we need!" So the next day we made a plan to door in he middle of the day and then do selective finding. We were going to target the women on the streets to improve our chances of finding a woman to teach. So we went out on Wednesday with this genius plan, and we had a terrible day.. Everyone was just terribly mean. An old grandma told us, "du wirst Erfolg nie haben" (you will never have success) That was some nice encouragement. It was rough, we were able to receive a grand total of zero potentials this week. ( which is not normal in Vienna because there are sooo many people here) I just wanted to cry all week. Then on Thursday we got a call from a member in another ward with a referral! It was a woman who wanted the missionaries to come and visit her! We were so stoked!!! We made an appointment with her and we showed up, and she wasn't home... This threw us right back into the fog we were in. We called her then next day and she didn't answer. Sister Jest and I were talking on the walk to church saying, " you how they say when your at your lowest it means that something amazing is about to happen, how much lower can we possibly go? "

On Sunday this same woman calls us ten minutes before church started, she explained that she just mixed up the appointment time and thought it was two hours earlier but that she wanted to set up a new appointment! We told her that we were at church right then and she was like, "when does it start??" We told her in ten minutes, we made an appointment for that evening and the went to sacrament meeting. Halfway through sacrament a woman walks in and we had no idea who she was. Sister Jest went and sat next to her and IT WAS THIS WOMAN. She dropped everything and just came to church!! She loved it! We met with her that evening and she invited us over for dinner next week. She is the coolest. She was the miracle that we desperately needed. This experience just helped me see that we just have to have faith in he Lord and that he will answer our prayers. We had been praying for a woman to teach. We got on our feet and worked and even though we didn't have any success when finding which is how we thought our prayer would be answered, God answered it in his own way.

I also learned this week that there is always a light at the end of the tunnel and the fog always clears up. Just hang in there. In the words of Florence and the Machine, "ITS ALWAYS DARKEST BEFORE THE DAWN."


Sister Price

Primary party where we dressed as Gnomes

The Elders gave us moldy oranges

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