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I don't really have a whole lot to say about this week... I mean I could describe the week in one word. FINDING But I know you will kill me mom if that's all I write.

But really we basically went finding all week long. We've been getting loads of potentials, but none of them answer their phones. It's so frustrating when you have a good conversation with somebody and they say they want to meet another time, and then they never answer their phone. But am definitly learning diligence on my mission! I know that as long as we keep working hard and giving our best the lord will make up for the rest and we will start to see the fruits of our labors.

The relief society lesson this week was about your attitude. You can make something a positive experience just by the way you look at it, or you can do just the opposite. It all depends on your attitude. CHOOSE TO BE HAPPY!

We went by on an old investigator this week and we had a really good appointment with her and her family! She is adorable and her kids loved the object lesson that we taught. They were so sad that we had to leave, but we set up another appointment so hopefully we can help this family start to make progress!

Anyways transfers are coming up in 2 weeks. Even though it's still a little ways away, I'm so nervous that Sister Jest might get transfered. I CANT NAVIGATE VIENNA BY MYSELF! I never know where we are and my incapacity (is that a real word)to read maps doesnt help either.

I decided I'm going to work REALLY hard on my German. More than I have been. I want to be really good, and I keep meeting people here who are more fluent in English than I am and I get really jealous! HOW DO THEY LEARN ENGLISH SO WELL i want to improve my German but ahh, it's so difficult!

We spent Valentines with Schwester Vreugdenhil. She is so fun! Her daughter just moved to Dubai so she lives alone now, so we had a valentines lunch together. it was the best!

I hope you all have a good week


love you


Sister Price

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