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New Years Goals and Tender Mercies

Happy 2016!

i can't believe that. Where did 2015 go? This time last year I was still waiting for my mission call and that feels like it was just yesterday. I cant even believe I am here right now.. Its crazy i'm excited for this year. I love the beginning of the new year when everyone sets goals. I love looking at the year like a clean slate and being about to start over and become what you've always wanted to be. I took some time this week to set some goals for myself for this year. I set goals that can help me become a better missionary, a better version of myself and to help my testimony grow even more than it has since I first got out here. .... i also set a goal to be better at following through with goals... hahaha

I really am excited for this year though! Look forward to the future with an eye full of faith! We had a great week over here! Sister Eden and I really pushed ourselves this week, which was good. Here's something I realized this week, everytime I have felt homesick or when I have wanted to give up and go home was when I wasn't giving my all to the work. When I wasn't talking to people on bahns or stopping people on the street or using every minute wisely, was when I would get sad and upset. But when I started working as hard as I could, those feelings went away and I fell in love with the work all over again. It's amazing how that works haha.

We have done loads of finding this week. Everyone that we have wanted to meet with has family over for the holidays so we have been out finding all day, everyday, but it's been good because we got 10 potentials this week! I think that's the most I've gotten in one week in my whole mission (welcome to a European mission everybody, or maybe more a German mission) We also made loads of phone calls to potentials that the elders left. Apparently this phone has not been cleaned out in 80 years because there are 689000 potentials in there, so we have been calling all of them trying to get appointments! Everyone says they'd love to.. but after the holidays of course. I can't wait for the holiday break to end.... (I have never uttered those words before nor will I ever say it again.. mission lyfe) I called someone named Kai, he is from China and he talked on the phone for one hour two days in a row! He has so many questions about religion. It's awesome! Sadly he was only here on vacation but we are hoping that he will agree to meet with the elders in cologne where he lives. Pray for him. .

We spent New Years Day with the elderly and sickly people in our ward and that has been one of my favorite days on my mission. I cant believe how grateful they were to get visitors. We were able to talk with them about their families, their conversion stories, and basically everything. It was the best. One man that we visited brought tears to my eyes. He is in a care center and we read on the ward list that he "is old and can't speak" but we decided to visit him and that we would just sing a hymn or two for him and then leave him a card from us. It turns out he can speak, but he speaks a made up language.. just noises, like a little baby. It was so fun to talk with him. We asked about the pictures in his room and he told us about the people who were in the pictures, he is so sweet! The best part was when we asked if we could sing for him and he got so excited! We decided to sing Nearer my God to Thee, and he sang with us with his own little noises and syllables he sang this hymn with us. It was incredible, and the spirit was so strong. I love the spirit that comes from singing hymns and serving others.

Here is my tender mercy from the Lord this week. Her name is Rasha. We were walking down the street to and we saw Ro (the way cool potential we got a few weeks ago) and we got way excited. We were going to stop her but as we got closer she walked into the street and completely around us and then got back on the side walk. I was heartbroken and frustrated. I wanted to just sit on the sidewalk and cry to be quite honest (a little dramatic but it's true) I was just so frustrated and confused. As we kept walking, I said a prayer in my head asking Heavenly Father to please send a miracle and that I needed something to help me to press on. So anyways we go by this man and he can't meet cause he has family over (dang holidays) and as we are walking back to the tram stop, we sit down and wait for the tram, then Sister Eden says lets go door that house right there its adorable. Honestly I did not want to go, the train was coming in 4 minutes and i just wanted to wait on this bench. But we went and right before we get to this drive way we see a girl coming towards us and we stop her. She was my tender mercy and my answered prayer. She is so cool! We talked about God and what she believes and then after a good conversation we walked away. As we were walking away I was kicking myself for not asking for her number so we could meet with her. Then as we were walking to the next tram stop we see her in the tram that we were about to get on and she was waving at us with the biggest smile! When we got on she said,"Hey do you have a group of people that get together to talk about God?" We exchanged numbers and are hoping to meet soon. It was the best! God answers our prayers and he hears our cries for help. love, Sister Price

We visited Neuschwanstein Castle again

Dance Parties at castles

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