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Nine Months

This is a photo you take when you hit nine months, I guess..


This week was crazy. I don't know where it went... First of all, we were able to be a joint teach for Izu twice in the last 2 weeks because the other sisters couldnt find a member who could come. It was so fun to teach him again! and guess what... HE HAS A BAPTISMAL DATE!! WOOOOOOO!! I'm so excited for him! He's awesome! We are finally getting appointments. we had a few last week and we are crazy booked for this week already so thats really exciting! hahaha, its been a while since we've been that busy! We also met a few really cool people today on the street! if you would all pray for Bas and Rachel this week that would be awesome, we really want to get apointments with them. Second, I hit my 9 month mark this past week! That's crazy!!

All four of us are hitting a mark in our mission here Sister Kramer is at 1 year, me at 9 months and Sisters Eden and Lang are at 6 months, so we had a "Mark Party" and we went out to Indian food for dinner. yum

Since I'm not halfway done with my mission I've been reflecting a lot on how far I've come and where I hope to be towards the end of my mission and what I want to start doing better. I just love the concept of becoming so a lot of my emails are about this... #sorrynotsorry anyways I was just looking at how far I've come and how much I've grown (not just because of all the German bread and chocolate I've been will get ya) and I am just so amazed with the help I have received so far from God.

My testimony has increased unbelievably since I've been out here. My family knows that I had a rough time right before I left on my mission... Satan worked on me hard. He threw everything he could at my testimony, and it worked a little bit. But i still had the desire to serve a mission and the faith that it was the right thing. So I trusted in God, but my testimony was very fragile when i first got out here. What's incredible is the growth in my testimony since then. Its crazy as I was relfecting on it. I felt like it should have decreased out here, i am constantly faced with people who tell me I'm crazy, who laugh at my face when I try to tell them about what I believe and all those things.But it has only increased! I have a personal witness of the statement "Faith is built through adversity." My testimony still isn't perfect, and I still have my days, but it's a continual process and thats how its designed to be. Wow, I sound really prophetic today. We went to the concentration camp, Dachau today and we are all in a very somber mood now. It's one thing to learn about that stuff in class at school and watch the documentaries, but it's another to actually walk where they walked and walk through the gas chambers. It was horrifying. The worst part was that when we looked at the crematoriums. The smells really bothered me. It was so humbling to actually walk where those thousands of people walked, and was an experience I will never forget. Anyways, I'm so grateful to be here and to be a missionary! I don't know why I am so happy because this is really really hard.. But I am.

Love you and have a good week.

Sister Price

Dachau Concentration Camp

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