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The Plague

Thanks for the new outfit, Mom

Yep, this week me and Sister Wilkes were struck with the plague. Last Sunday I got a sore throat and a cough and then on Wednesday I started to feel better but Sister Wilkes got congestion and headaches and then on Friday I got her congestion and fever and now we both have coughs... We. are, disgusting, and I feel like death so we had a bit of a slow week. We had to take a couple of days to try to get rid of this. The sad part is we got a new investigator on the day we were sick and stuck inside all day. what is that about?

Otherwise we had a good week over here. We have been meeting with some really cool people over here which is good because the finding has been REALLY hard lately.

V is one of our investigators right now and she is sooo cute!!!!!!! She's from Nigeria and I just love her! She loves the Book of Mormon so stinkin much, "The word of God is so sweet." We taught tithing today and we said, "Ya, so after we are baptized we pay tithing" and she stopped us and was like, "wait what? I was going to pay it this week is that's not possible??" It was awesome!

We visited a less active family this week and it started out a little bit awkward. It always is with less actives because they know why the missionaries are there, but leave it to me to break the ice with my awkward self. I was trying to bond with the daughter who is our age and I tried to say it was nice to meet you which is, "Schön sie kennen zu lernen." But i said "Schön sie zu erkennen," which was, "Its nice to recognize you." Dangggg ittttttt.. That broke the ice real quick because she laughed so hard so I think we will be friends. :)

I hope everyone is excited for conference! We can't wait over here. It's gonna be good!! Everyone that we invite loves the idea of listening to the modern day prophet. I am excited for them to watch it and feel God speaking directly to them through his prophets and apostles. I love conference.

Mom, I got your package this week! it came so fast and it came a week faster than packages normally come which was a tender mercy! I was having a really hard morning and then the doorbell rang and it was the post. i loved it thanks mom!

Strech waistbands. Always a plus

Well, that's about our week like I said we were in bed dying most of the week so ya.. well we are going to go eat some pumpkin soup (its soo good) in our jammies and write letters..

love you all!

We celebrated Elder Howarth's birthday

The chocolate aisle. All Chocolate

Blurry picture, but I stiched this stuffed animal for someone and carried it around all night

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