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Well our apartment feels a whole lot bigger now. We sent Sister Friebe off to Switzerland on Thursday. I am a little jealous because I want to serve there. But at least I don't have to learn Swiss German! It was interesting to be in a drit and i'ts an experience I will never forget.

We visited a cute old lady in our ward this week because it was her birthday. Oh my gosh, I have never seen a happier old lady in my whole life, it was sooo cute!! She was IN LOVEEE with Elder Maw. It was so cute!!

Well, we had another hard finding week. But we had a miracle! About a month ago we met a guy while contacting in the park and we talked to him for half an hour and then walked to Bahnhof with him and talked for another 10 minutes. He was so cool but we weren't able to get his contact info so we just gave him a card. Then on Friday we had a half an hour until our bus came so we went into the park and we ran into this guy again! It was so cool! He said that he started reading in the bible now thanks to us and he said he was going to call us but he just decided to leave it up to chance that maybe we would be in the park again! hahaha, we flipped out and said, "Hey here we are!" it was so cool! Hopefully we can meet with him this week.

Nita got baptized yesterday!! She was so happy! I love her sh'es the sweetest woman in the whole world! Im so happy she finally decided to be baptized. She welcomed me on my first day in church here in Tübingen and I thought she was a member until Sister Ahlm said she was one of our investigators.

We were able to meet with a few people this week who we haven't seen in a long time since they were on vacation so that was awesome.

We have a less active in our ward who we started visiting a couple months ago. Our ward mission leader has been the first one to be able to contact her in a long time and we started vistiting her and doing service projects for her. I have been lucky enough to be here from the first visit until now and to see the change in her heart since we have started visiting. She is noticeably happier and lighter. She laughs with us and jokes with us, (at least i think shes joking, i cant understand her 100% but....) She has just lit up with an indescribable light. Service can work wonders for those you serve, and for yourself as you serve. Everyone watch the Mormon message called, "Lift" it's so good, and it's a perfect example of this. Service can change people for the better!


Sister Price

Happy Missionaries

Elder Liechty- Sound familiar?

My two favorite pictures of my mission:

I was trying to get a picture of Sister Friebe through the train window. This man and his face....

Then he figures out what was happening and leaned back and started giggling. HAHA

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