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Another Transfer Week

I can't believe another transfer has come and gone. I'm now in my 4th transfer. We got transfer calls this week and I will be staying in Tübingen with Sister Wilkes!! But sadly Sister Friebe is getting sucked into the black hole called Switzerland. She's heading to St. Gallen. All the Europeans get taken to Switzerland because Americans can't get visas there.

We had a good week. We had exchanges so I worked with Sister Selph and Sister Friebe here. Sister Selph is a golden so it was so fun to work with her! Man she is doing sooo much better than i was as a Golden.

We had zone training this week and we gave a spiritual thought based on what Sister Kohler said at MLC. She talked about BEING TRUE. Be who YOU are no matter who you are with. Whether that be, members, companions, or President Kohler. I loved that. I've noticed that sometimes I am not myself when we go contacting, but Sister Wilkes and I talked about that and we decided to work on adding our personalities in when we go finding (which is hard in a foreign language by the way) and we noticed a difference. You become more real rather than just some weird girls in skirts who everyone assumes are Jehovahs Witnesses..... I am a firm believer in the idea that everyone is sent to a specific place because of who they are. There are people out there that need you to be you.

I have loved the growth I have seen in myself these past 5 months. I have seen what my strengths are and I have definitely seen my weaknesses, but I always refer to Ether 12:27 "then shall I make weak things become strong unto them" You are you for a reason. BE TRUE TO YOU! I love Sister Kohler. She is the best.

We are preparing for Rita's baptism this week! She has come a long way and am so excited for her! Her testimony is beautiful and she is so excited to be baptized. I have never seen a Book of Mormon more marked up than hers!

Guess whos in my zone? Elder Liechty! I saw his name and asked if he was related to Sam and he is. He is awesome!

Oh my gosh, I can't remember if I wrote about this last week but on p-day we got to play a HUGE organ in a massive church. it was so cool!!

Also, I actually have pictures today so prepare yo self!

We visited one of our new members, Patience this week. She is so sweet. We thought that I was getting transferred so we told her that there's a possibility and she was so sad. She said a prayer saying, "please dont let her go". I love her so much! it was so cute and made me tear up. It's cool how fast you can form bonds with people, and hey her prayer worked. I'm so ready for another transfer here and to get the work moving again!

ok i love you all


Sister Price


I LOVE hiking

I'm so happy to spend another transfer with Sister Wilkes

Shopping at H&M-- Even a mission can't take the shopping out of the girl

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