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Finding Joy in the Journey

This week was nuts! (I think I say that every week)

Ok first off, I LOVE SISTER WILKES! She is so flippin funny! We are laughing all the time!!

Oh my gosh I'm obsessed with her, except my progress in German has significantly decreased because we get along TOO good. We never want to speak German together. whoops..... hehehe. Also we have yet to finish our daily planning session by 9:30AM in fact we usually finish at about 10AM, so there's that. We have had some super cool teaching and finding experiences together.

Here's a story to scare my mother.. (sorry mom) so we have had this referral from the Singen sisters for a few weeks. They said that they had been teaching him but he moved to our area and that he was ready for baptism. We finally got in contact with him and he gave us his address and we set out to find his place. We were in a town called Reutlingen-Betzingen. We walked for ever and slowly started approaching a building which we prayed was not his building. It was the biggest and scariest azulheim we had ever seen. (refrugee home) We slowly came to a halt and there were guys staring at us from the windows and we are these two 20 year old girls in skirts in front of this azulheim..

Sister Wilkes- "do you know self defense?"

Me- "No but I've seen Miss Congeniality so I think were good..." Thank you Sandra Bullock.

Speaking of Sandra Bullock, just picture the scene of the Blindside where she is sitting out side of Michael's moms house. That was us.... We were about to turn and run when this massive guy comes around the corner and waves at us! We waved our arms and ran to him. Oh my gosh that was a relief, and then we had the most incredible lesson and he is going to pray to know which day he should be baptized!

We have been visiting our investigator R every day this week so that she can make her baptismal date. And she lives up a GIANT hill that we had to walk everyday... we took a picture everyday.

Day 1

Day 2

Day 3 with B. Kleih

Day 4

Day 5, and then we realize there is a bus stop across from her house

We visited D one last time before he left to Africa for a month. He is so cool and incredible.

Here's something he said to us that we loved! "Christianity is not a religion, its a way of life... LIVE LIKE CHRIST!" We need to remember that being a Christian extends past simply attending church on Sundays!

This week when we went out contacting we tried to stop a woman and ask what she thought the purpose of life was and she said, "Work is my purpose in life"... and she walked away. We just stood there in awe. How sad it was that someone believed that their purpose in life was to work. Another man that we had a good conversation with was just saying that life was so hard and way too busy. This really got me thinking, I studied two incredible talks this week because of this experience. "Finding Joy in the Journey," by President Monson and "Of Regrets and Resolutions," by President Uctdorf. READ THESE TWO TALKS! We need to find joy along the way in this life. There is always something to be happy about now. Despite the hard times. Look for those good things. We can't wait for happiness to come one day. Be happy now!

I loved these two talks. They are great.

On Saturday we had a six hour Austellung again. This one was rough. NO one would talk to us. It was hard to stay motivatied.. We stopped 2 guys one was from France and the other was German and was showing him around Germany. They said they wanted their coffee and they left. An hour later they came back and the French guy read off of a paper his friend written down in German, "you are beautiful, can i have your number." Uhhhhh que Nacho Libre..."CANT YOU SEE THIS WOMAN IS A NUN!?" (haha) It was funny though and was a good end to a rough day.

Ok i love you all.

Have a good week and find joy in the Journey!

Peace out

Love Sister Price

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