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Prayer Works

Hallo! Hows it going!? This week was really good. First off, my German is improving so quickly! (that sentence sounds weird..) is that correct English? .......German is taking over........ Yesterday at church I translated twice! There was an American woman on an exchange program and a lady in our ward was trying to talk to her and I translated for the two of them. I walked away in shock thinking, "how the cuss did I just do that??!" Whoever is out there praying for me, keep going because it's working.

We had a massive feast after church because two people were moving. It was the best! There were so many different kinds of food. That is one of the beauties of being in a ward with people from all over the world. Ward parties in Utah include 10 different cassorole dishes filled with funeral potatoes.. mix it up a little bit guys. Make some African food!! Speaking of African food, one of our investigators made some for us and I looked in the pot and there was a fish head. A. FISH. HEAD!! I carefully scooped only sauce and then LOADED my plate with rice.

We have a had a strange couple of weeks where people have been contacting us rather than vice versa. The first guy said that he has been researching our church ever since a missionary gave him a pass along card months ago. He has been meeting with us three times a week! It's been incredible. Everything he says he wants in his life points directly to the gospel!! He's a blast too. Another kid followed me off the train and asked what church I was from (at least thats what I think he said) he was asking all kinds of questions about the church. That was pretty cool.

Last Monday we visited a castle called Holinzohlen. It was pretty neat, except the tour was in German... so i have no idea what was said, but it was still nice.

Mom you said you wanted pictures of our apartment, so here's a quick little tour. P.S. sister Ahlm is hiding in every single picture...

Our Home

Our living room, where we live

I sleep on the top bunk. It's like a cri up there and I sleep like a baby

Our deck

Our teeny kitchen

Clearly our college major was doing dishes

Weekly planning whilst tanning....

Umm.. anyways I think that's all this week..

Alright, have a good week.

Enjoy the 4th of July. That's like my favorite holiday in all the world so I'm jealous. Light some fireworks for me!

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