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Transfers... Sister Ahlm and I are staying in Tubingen. Hooray!

We had zone confrence in Munich and I saw Elder Sorensen and Elder Petty from the MTC. It was such a fun reunion.

I got your package momma. haha the peach rings were completely melted, but they still taste great. Also, I shed a tear when I saw American deodorant, and peanut butter. I eat that stuff by the spoonful. #simplethings

This week has been great! We did lots of contacting. I went dooring for the first time, and I can see why that is a last resort in missionary work. It's not very effective and you get a lot of, "don't come here agains." It's rough. I walked up to a man and said "Hallo wir sind missionarin von die Kirche Jesu Christi der Heiligen der Letzen Tage, haben sie von unsere kirche gehert?! and he says... ......"Kenn sie Deutsch?" (do you speak German)................... apparently not.... haha I'm struggling with speaking German, but here's to hoping it comes soon.

Last P-day we visited the Botanical Gardens, and we saw a section that was filled with rocks and dry dirt.. and i said, hey it looks like home. Sister Ahlm died laughing. Yesterday we contacted a lady in the park who was visiting from Mexico. She was waiting for her son an daughter in law and she had Mormon friends. She was the coolest woman! She asked all about temples because she had been to an open house. We talked for half an hour and by the time her son got back she said, "these are my friends" and I'm sure her son was thinking, "Oh great, we leave mom alone for 30 minutes and the Mormons find her!"

Sister Ahlm and I are great friends now! We're so opposite and we get along so great. She reminds of Aly Northrup (Hi Aly, love you girl) and surprise, her name is Allie as well.

I'll have some cool pictures next week because we are visiting a castle today. This week I have some majestic pictures of us exploring Tubingen.

My favorite thing that happened this week was after we left an appointment, we were walking to the train and when we got on the train, there was a band playing. This was a legitimate band with bass, drums, saxaphone, clarinet, trombone and guitar. It was the BEST! They played Tequilla and these old people were just jammin out and yelling "Tequilla!" and then they played the Pink Panther theme song. I was smiling for hours afterwards, but on the down side, those songs have been stuck in our heads for 3 days now...

Can I request something to every member of the church everywhere? the best way you can help the missionaries.. is to BE A JOINT TEACH! pleaaseeeee, finding a joint teach is sooo effective, but soooo difficult! The missionaries will love you foreverrrr....!!

I forgot my journal and planner so i can't remember everything else we did this week...

I love you all.

Love Sister Price

PS- Mom, I miss our Zupas dates

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