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Gift of Tongues

Coley!! Your beard!!! Its so cute!! oh man fly over to England so I can see it in person! print that our and mail it to me! Better yet send me some of the beard! (just kidding..that was a joke...)

Well not a ton has happened since I talked to you guys on Sunday.

I only have one more week in the MTC!! I'ts crazy!! How am I supposed to have a conversation in German in one week!! That's terrifying!! OH man the gift of tongues is real and I know that I will be relying on that a ton out there. Its actually super cool! We will go into lessons and the spirit will just take over and I feel as if I'm fluent in German!! Its the coolest thing.

Mom, the Elders in my District said that their moms say that your good at sharing pictures, so kudos to you! Elder Summer's is hilarious! He's my go to man for Spongebob quotes! He dislocated his pinky during volleyball last week and it was disgusting. His finger was bent in a crazy shape, and was so gross.

Anyways this week was pretty sweet, there was only 16 missionaries in the MTC all week so in between classes we would walk around the temple grounds and take tons of pictures...

I dont really know what to write about this week since I already talked to you like 3 days ago. We got a baptismal commitment, from one of our fake investagators... but still! woot woot!

Im so nervous to start speaking German in 1 week!!! Its crazy how quick these 6 weeks went by!

Ok, I seriously don't know what else to talk about so I'll just attatch pictures

Love, Sister Price

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