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Week 2

We found out that my mission is getting I pads in the next couple weeks! Elder Bednar is going there to train everyone with them but we miss him!! booooooooooooooooo!

We get 3 new sisters tomorrow, but sister Buttars is leaving because she was only here for two weeks. nnnnnooooooooooooo! Im going to miss her so much!! She keeps me sane!

Coley guess what theres an Elder from France named Elder Joblot (the T is silent) its a super classy sounding name... but anyways he has a very thick accent and anytime he says anything he sounds EXACTLY like Inspector Kluzo from Pink Panther! you would love it! One time he even said, "I am here for to learn"

hmmlets see what did we do this week, all the days blend together cause we're in classes all the time... we started teaching (fake) investigators in German. It's so frustrating because we so badly want to teach by the spirit but we cant because we don't know how to say anything so we have to stick to the notecards.. which makes it difficult to teach according to their needs. So that's frustrating... i can pray in german now, and kinda bear my testimony... Our first investigator was super sweet and loved the gospel and then our next two were total poop heads and didn't want us there and stared at their phones the whole time so I told my companion that we just need to stab their hearts with the daggers of the gospel, which I decided is the atonement. so during our weekly planning my goal was to bring my investigators to tears! Gotta soften those hearts!!

My district is so much fun! They are all so funny! I taught everyone to clink their CTR rings so now everyone walks around clinking their CTR rings and saying "clink, clink ,clink" Its like a dream come true!!

I found a super cool.. oh wait.. our MTC president doesnt allow the Americans to say cool or awesome because he says that's what all Americans say to describe things which is true I've noticed. . so, I found a totally sick chapter (is that better?) in Nephi that prophecies of Joseph Smith and how he would translate the book of Mormon. ( I can't remember the exact chapter right now but I'll find it and send it next week!) It's incredible that someone way back then wrote about him! Can you imagine Joseph reading that as he translated!? id be like, " what the crap!?"

Man every missionary here is incredible. There are elders here who are recent converts and the only ones in their families who are members and they are still here. Its amazing! They tell their stories and it makes me realize how truly blessed I have been!

I cant believe you guys have snow!! I've been in England for 2 weeks and it has only rained twice, and it was just a misty rain not like the rain in Utah that could decapitate you if it hit you at the right angle. The rest of the days have been sunny and warm. I love England, seriously especially this cute area that we are in. Its called Chorley, and it' so adorable.

Ok here is the conclusion that I have come to this week. You can'tjoke with Europeans the same as you can with Americans. They just don't get it! I will say something to the Norweigen and British sisters and they just don'tget it. Madi will love this story, so theres a line of flags that fly in front of the MTC and we were standing outside looking at them. The Wales flag was there and it has a dragon on it, so I said that one has a dragon on it, so it must be the flag of China, no doubt.. I wasjoking around and Elder Stevens from England did not get the joke and he's lke that's wales... i was like " I.. was... joking...." They aren't as fun as Americans.... my companions were laughing so hard...well what they lack in humor they make up for with their accent. Can't have it all I guess.

The food here is to die for.. sooo good. except you have to add salt to everything but other than that its super good.

love you!

p.s. sladey my lady how did finals go?? I dont miss those at all

p.p.s. Hi Dad

p.p.p.s. turns out i can recieve packages here and I can skype on Mothers Day

you rock

Love, Sister Price

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